TCA Success Stories: Vickie's Success Story - A Must-read Success Tale

#successstories #testimonials business analysis Sep 17, 2024
Vickie celebrating her new Business Analyst position after completing TCA's program.

Vickie's story begins with a simple recommendation from her sister-in-law, leading to an extraordinary, life-transforming journey with TCA. Vickie eagerly enrolled, embarking on a journey that would prove both challenging and completely transformational. She fully participated in the live project component of the course and once she received her resume, she very quickly started applying for jobs.

In Vickie’s words:

One thing I didn’t do from the onset as part of my job applications, was tailoring my resume to align with the job description. It was when I listened to one of TCA’s Instagram videos that I realized how important this is and started doing it. Once I started tailoring my resume, I got more calls/invites.

The more interviews I attended, the more confident I became. One thing I learned from these interviews was to ask for feedback. In fact, for my very first interview, I was so tensed/fidgeting, but after 2 or 3 I became waayyyy more relaxed and started approaching each interview as a chat and not an interrogation.

I did progress to some later interview stages and sometimes the recruiter/hiring managers would ghost me, but I kept moving regardless, after all I am a Nigerian and “we meauve” (meaning “the hustle continues”)

What helped me the most was the fantastic relationship I built with my mentor (Yomi). She helped me tremendously and we eventually became friends. I followed her advice to the ‘T” and I am glad I did.

In her words:

Sometimes I felt like giving up, but when I hear others getting fantastic jobs via TCA and their pay - that motivated me big time and I pushed myself to continue. I also obtained the CSM (Certified Scrum Master) certification to gain more knowledge and upgrade my profile with a relevant certification.

When I had this interview for the job I secured, it was the easiest. The hiring manager just asked me just 2 questions and I am grateful for TCA’s live project experience as without it I have no idea how I would have answered those questions because they were very practical questions which we covered during the live project. After I answered the 2 questions, the conversation turned into a chat and then what I heard is “Oh I would love to work with you, Vickie”. E shock me! And like they say, the rest is history. That is how I landed a beautiful role as a Business Process Analyst.

I am so grateful to the TCA Team for your help, and for being selfless in sharing knowledge and hand-holding us to success. I also want to thank my mentor Yomi for being more than a mentor, for being a big sister.

One thing I learnt from this process is to speak up because if nobody knows what you are going through they can’t help you. I got all the support I needed by speaking up and getting advice/guidance.

If Vickie can achieve, then you too can.

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