TCA Success Stories: Ruth's Journey from HR to Business Analyst

#successstories #testimonials business analysis Sep 13, 2024
Ruth celebrating her new Business Analyst position and $30K salary increase

If you're convinced that a career in tech is out of reach because you lack the necessary background, think again. Ruth was in the same boat until she discovered TCA’s Business Analysis coaching program and that changed everything...

There is a popular Nigerian saying that is very relevant to Ruth’s success story which says “Follow who know road”. This simply means Find someone that has achieved what you desire and copy and paste their strategy. If you do so, you will reproduce their results.

This is exactly what Ruth did when her best friend Vivian secured a fantastic Business Analyst Job – she asked Vivian for the formula. Vivian introduced Ruth to TCA and like they say the rest is history.

Ruth has just secured a beautiful Business Analyst position where she makes an astonishing $30k more than her previous role! Make no mistake about it, Ruth did put in the work based on our proven system and now has the results. Life is just too short to depend on the trial and error method for your career advancement.

You see, it is fantastic to be unique and create a completely new path, but it is great wisdom to step on the footprints of those who have successfully navigated the path you wish to tread.

Do you desire a highly rewarding job in tech, why not leverage our proven system that has produced hundreds of success stories.

If you're looking to break into the tech industry, The Career Accelerators can help you achieve your career goals. Book a call with us today to learn more about our courses and how we can help you succeed.

If you're looking to break into the tech industry, The Career Accelerators can help you achieve your career goalsBook a call with us today to learn more about our courses and how we can help you succeed.