TCA Success Stories: How Saheedat Secured a BA Role Without An Interview

#successstories #testimonials business analysis Sep 18, 2024
Saheedat celebrating her new tech job after completing The Career Accelerators program.

One of our core messages to our students is that applying for jobs is a numbers game and we mean it because when you put yourself out there someone will find you. Sometimes it may not be for the role you applied for but by putting yourself out there, you indicate to the job market that you exist and this is exactly how Saheedat tripled her salary.

Imagine a very beautiful girl waiting to find a spouse, but she chooses to stay within the confines of her room. Secluded from the world, her beauty remains unseen, and no opportunities arise for anyone to meet her, let alone introduce her to a suitable partner. This is what happens when students acquire knowledge and experience but choose not to apply for jobs or choose to be very selective with their job application – they simply limit themselves.

This is the complete story of how Saheedat networked her way to a fantastic job without an interview!

Saheedat heard about TCA through a friend and after attending the info session organized by TCA she made her decision on the spot and swiftly signed up for the BA program. In her words “the value I got from the info session alone was worth the cost of the program as the speaker demonstrated deep knowledge of the Business Analysis so it was a no brainer for me”

Saheedat did put in the work and stood out during her batch by being attentive and participating in all sessions. Once Saheedat received her resume – which TCA optimized for her, she started applying and the recruiter calls started coming.

The first set of calls didn’t go very well as Saheedat was very nervous and was overthinking every single interview question. Then she did something that most people don’t do, she asked for feedback and support, we reviewed her interview prep strategies, quickly realized that she wasn’t paying as much attention to the job descriptions as she needed to and provided some guidance. This was the game changer for Saheedat, her confidence grew and the interviews turned into chats as she was adequately prepared.

You see the job that Saheedat secured wasn’t the job she applied for. Saheedat initially applied for a ServiceNow Business Analyst position and blew the interviewer away during the interview, but there was one problem. The organisation needed someone with ServiceNow certification which she did not have, so she didn’t get that role.

2 weeks later she received a call from the same hiring manager asking if she would be interested in another Business Analyst role within the same organisation – No Interview required! Why you may ask? The interviewer was so impressed with Saheedat’s interview that she was the first person to be informed of this new position and literally offered the job with no advertisement. Someone would actually say that Saheedat impressed the interviewer so much that they had to create a role for her. This is what happens when you have a growth mindset.

With this incredible Business Analyst role, Saheedat tripled her salary – going from $40k per annum as a Retail Banker to $120k as a Business Analyst! All because she chose a growth mindset and was willing to put herself out there and did not give up!

You too can!

If you're looking to break into the tech industry, The Career Accelerators can help you achieve your career goalsBook a call with us today to learn more about our courses and how we can help you succeed.