Success Stories: From Unemployed for 8 years to Business Analyst

#successstories #testimonials business analysis Sep 25, 2024

One fateful Friday last month, our lead coach checked his phone after class. He got a text from a Law Enforcement Agency. Now, you might wonder, "Why would a Law Enforcement Agency text him? It was good news! They were conducting a background check on Blessing, a student from our program.

Blessing’s story is incredible. Before she joined TCA, Blessing had a tough time. She hadn't been in the corporate world for over 8 years! She used to run her own business in Nigeria, but after relocating to Canada, she found it hard to get a job! Even with her Master's in Information Technology and Computer Science background, it was still very tough. She tried online courses, but still, no luck.

Then Blessing found TCA. During the initial conversation with Blessing, our lead coach quickly established what was missing in the equation. It was Self-Belief. You see, Blessing had been away from work for a while and did not know how/what steps to take to reintegrate into the system. With TCA’s trusted process, Blessing was reassured and quickly signed up.

She started with our Business Analysis course, but she didn’t stop there! She moved on to obtain her Certified Scrum Master and CBAP Certifications right after. Certifications are not mandatory, but they sure make a difference. Blessing was back with a bang! During the programs – there was a major shift in Blessing’s mindset. In her own words,” Being in an environment with like-minded people helped me to validate my knowledge and realize that I still have what it takes and can still hold my own in any project within any organization. It reignited a new fire in me and made me believe in myself again. It felt like a breath of fresh air”

This is the TCA difference!

Following the program, Blessing was ready. She started applying for jobs. And then the ghosting started, the unfortunately emails started rolling in (if you know you know, if you don’t know, well, now you know that this is a part of the transition process), but she was ready for this stage of the process as she has been prepared well by TCA. She knew she only needed one yes to transform her life, so she kept the fire burning.

And then, on a fateful afternoon, she got invited to an interview, and this was directly with the hiring manager. Being Blessing’s first interview, she comprehensively prepared for this interview. She soaked up all the content in TCA’s 4-hour intensive Interview Masterclass and was ready. In her words, the interview was a breeze. She answered questions with ease, impressing the interviewer. What helped her the most was that the project she worked on at TCA was related to the project that the hiring manager was recruiting for – imagine that! It got to an extent that after she responded to an interview question, the interviewer said to her "I knew you would have the right answer." Blessing could not believe what was happening! Going from someone who did not believe in herself now to someone who is crushing an interview. Indeed, what God cannot do through TCA does not exist – she thought to herself.

The next day, she opened her electronic mailbox, and there it was—the email she had been waiting for since she landed in Canada, the email she had dreamed about for so long, the email that would mark the beginning of her career transformation. With tears in her eyes, Blessing clicked on the email to unveil her offer letter for an incredible Business Analyst role.

Blessing has gone from not believing in herself to now bagging an incredible offer. Blessing's story shows us all: never think little of what you can do. Sometimes, you may have raw diamonds and not appreciate the value of what you have. She didn’t see her worth until she joined TCA. At TCA, we will help you to fully optimize your potential. And if Blessing can do it, so can you.

If you’re looking for a change, don’t keep quiet. Know what you want, and go for it. Blessing did, and look at her now! She’s back at work. She believes in herself again, and this is only the beginning for her. All thanks to her dedication and TCA’s proven system.

So what are you waiting for…Let's help you maximize your potential.

If you're looking to break into the tech industry, The Career Accelerators can help you achieve your career goalsBook a call with us today to learn more about our courses and how we can help you succeed.