TCA Success Stories: From Unemployed for 3 Years to Business Analyst

#successstories #testimonials business analysis Sep 12, 2024
Chidi celebrating his successful career transition after completing TCA's program.

At TCA, we believe that anyone can achieve their career goals with the right guidance and support. And Chidi's story is a perfect example of that.

In September 2022, Chidi got married to Tinuke. Unknown to Chidi his marriage to Tinuke was going to lead to the career transformation that he has desired for a very long time.

Up until now Chidi who is based in the US has not worked a professional job at all. His only job in the US was in a restaurant. Most of his time in the US has been spent caring for a family member who has been unwell.

Tinuke on the other hand took the TCA Business Analysis course and has been very successful in her career. Following their marriage Tinuke introduced her hubby to TCA.

Following a brief enquiry, he signed up for the program, started in October 2022 and completed the program in January 2023. Chidi was very active, asked a lot of questions and won one of the prices for the most active participant and was even named the “motivational speaker” of the batch.

Throughout the program Chidi was also worried about his background and wasn’t confident he would be able to make the transition since he didn’t have enough experience, certifications or even any US based experience. In spite of these doubts – Chidi trusted the process and the TCA system. This is why we always say, no matter what the situation is – don’t write yourself off. Remember there is always a solution, you just need to find it or find someone who has the solution you desire.

Chidi’s hunger paid off as he got a job immediately after the program but turned it down as he felt it wasn’t the dream job.

On seeing one of the numerous TCA success stories, he responded to the success story sharing his story of how he secured a job but turned it down because he was expecting a better offer for a Senior BA role and Steve mentioned that he should have taken it and continued to apply for a better job. The Senior BA role fell through, and he remembered his chat with Steve and reached out the previous company to ask if the opportunity was still available – lo and behold, it was, and he negotiated the salary to get an extra USD5k.

This is one of the reasons why at TCA we believe that your job is your job, and no one can take it away from you. The earlier you start applying, the more opportunities you apply to, the higher your chances of securing your dream job.

Whenever you are made an offer, always say yes and get in first, if you need to continue applying then please do, but don’t say no to an opportunity. The value of mentorship and guidance cannot be over emphasized. Chidi may still be looking for a job if he had not mentioned the offer he turned down to Steve.

It all goes without saying that your choice of a spouse can be crucial to your career transformation.

If you're looking to break into the tech industry, The Career Accelerators can help you achieve your career goals. Book a call with us today to learn more about our courses and how we can help you succeed.

If you're looking to break into the tech industry, The Career Accelerators can help you achieve your career goalsBook a call with us today to learn more about our courses and how we can help you succeed.