Success Stories: From Fitness Instructor to Certified Business Analyst

#successstories #testimonials business analysis Sep 08, 2024

"Steve, I am a bit panicked about this CBAP certification!" - Those were the words of Yomi at 6:21 AM on the 1st of March 2023. Little did she know, her journey would become an inspiring testament to the power of determination, support, and hard work.

Yomi's remarkable career transformation began in 2018 when she met Steve at an event. At the time, she was a fitness instructor with no connection to business analysis. However, Yomi had previously trained to become a Business Analyst with another organization but had given up after multiple unsuccessful job applications. This is exactly what happens to most of us when we give up too easily or too quickly without realizing that with the right training partner, we can acquire the Knowledge and Confidence we need to succeed.

At TCA we believe that Knowledge breeds Confidence. With Knowledge and Confidence, you become Valuable and Value will always…always attract Money.

Steve saw Yomi's potential and believed in her ability to succeed in Business Analysis. He secured a full scholarship for her, and within six weeks of completing the training, Yomi landed her first BA role with a software development company. Later, she secured another fantastic job with one of the top banks in Canada. This is just the first part of Yomi’s story.

To further her career, Yomi decided to obtain the CBAP certification and enrolled in our 90-day program in October 2022. She actively participated in the study groups and diligently applied the BABOK concepts to real-life scenarios. However, personal issues led her to postpone the exam from December 2022 to the 6th of March 2023.

Two weeks before the exam on the 6th of March, anxiety kicked in, and Yomi considered postponing it again.

In her own words: The first thing that Steve said to me when I mentioned the idea of postponing my CBAP exam was “You will never feel ready like everything else in life, but you have to give it a go as you have what it takes to pass the exam”!

Steve worked with her to devise a realistic plan which will enable her to prepare effectively within the remaining two weeks and write the exam. He also shared some strategies for success and reminded her of all she has learnt including the online materials and sample questions.

Yomi took Steve's advice to heart and persevered, sticking to her original exam date. And guess what? She passed! Yomi is now CBAP certified or CBAPtised as we choose to call it at TCA!

Yomi's journey is a heartwarming story of determination, perseverance, trust and hard work. It's also a testament to the importance of having a supportive partner like TCA who genuinely cares about your success and pushes you to achieve your goals. Let Yomi's story inspire you to take that leap of faith and sign up for the upcoming CBAP certification course today!

If you're looking to break into the tech industry, The Career Accelerators can help you achieve your career goalsBook a call with us today to learn more about our courses and how we can help you succeed.